The term "malthusian crisis"is impersonal and abstract. It fails to evoke the horrible,savage,numbing details of what millions of Rwandans did,or had done to them.Let us give the last words to one observers,and to one survivor.The observer is,again,Gerald Pruniers:
"All of these people who were about to be killed had land and at times cows. And somebody had to get these lands and those cows after the owners were dead.In a poor and increasingly overpopulated country this was not a negligible incentive."
The survivor is a Tutsi teacher whom Prunier interviewed,and who survived only because he happened to be away from his house when killers arrived and murdered his wife and four of his five children:
"The people whose children had to walk barefoot to school killed the people who could buy shoes for theirs."
Malthus in Africa:Rwanda's Genocide in Collapse------How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond(p.328)
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